
Divine Instrument


The Holistic Healing Program


During the dreadful pandemic, most of the survivors faced several issues that led to a serious depressive state of their health, soul, and mind. Many of them even went through financial breakdowns, physical passiveness etc., leading to inadequate resources to avail education. Students are trying to face competition and meet  expectations of their parents. The  tension of their future and financial crisis have disturbed their emotional and mental peace. The pandemic in the country has made the vision of our youth foggy & unclear. They may seem to be healthy but they are disturbed emotionally and mentally. The stress in confronting the growing competition, and balancing their life has pushed them towards wrong direction. Students are relying on one another for career, getting addicted to harmful substances, and are finding shortcuts to live life. The death-defying experience has led to stressful and demotivating situations for youths of our nation. 

I believe in addressing this issue in a very objective manner. This project is going to focus, address and record the progress of students and schools. I intend to propose a positive, effective  methodological way of bringing back mental stability of the youths of our country. All privileged and underprivileged schools, irrespective of their status, will be allowed to participate in this program. Ancient techniques of meditation and energy transformation will be used to make their recovery faster and we endeavor to teach them the methods of self healing, so that they can help themselves to live their life holistically and recover faster if they encounter any disturbance. 

Problem Statement

The mission of our project is to bring development to our youths holistically. The school / college / student involved, have to  believe in the methods and practices of the project.  Our results will aim to make them mentally, emotionally and spiritually stronger. However, the efficiency of the project will depend on the faith and interest of each individual. 


Data Management

Participants will be divided into two groups. One group will retreat back after the demo class while the other one will follow the program. 

The progress of each individual will be recorded at the end of the research. The recovery will be analyzed. Positive attitude, happiness and self content of the participants will also be recorded after the project. The analyzed data will be shared with the principal and teachers. The data will reflect on the efficiency and progressive nature of the ancient techniques. All these techniques are proven leading to the fast recovery of the student. The data will consider studying the project reports and decide if this program should be called for, to help students.


Each technique being used in the project has been carefully analyzed, reasoned and re-arranged in such a way that it gives better results every time. This project doesn't show any side effects. Students from any religious / social background can participate. The program helps in strengthening the students emotionally and spiritually. The motivational words, and self motivation will uplift the youths and recover their holistic health.

This research program aims towards achieving the following:


If an individual has no faith or belief in this technique then it may not bring any results to them.


Grand-master master and Spiritual Coach Anupriya recently entered in to a collaboration with Express News Bharat to offer her professional expertise on the subjects of Tarot Card, Medication and many valuable concepts that falls under Spirituality and this is a way for her to expand her spiritual guidance to millions of people across India and aborad through the viewership of the said news channel. 

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Spiritual Coach Anupriya has a lot more to offer. Through her extensive work in the field of Spirituality and also gaining rich experience while performing consultation as life coach, she has helped many individuals, couples, elderly, kids and those special care, she's now willing to impart her knowledge and over the experience seasoned for over a decade and half is only here to add more value to your life! She's taking care to write the articles in a simple, understandable and presentable manner so that anyone who reads them can apply them easily without pitfalls. It is up to each individual's interest and practice how much blessing one can gather through these articles. Click here to read the articles.